Summary Experience SEA-Teacher at PSU San Carlos Campus.

Summary Experience SEA-Teacher at Pangasinan State University
San Carlos Campus
Nafis Husna Khoirunnisa
Islamic University of Indonesia (UII)
    I am Nafis Husna Khoirunnisa from Islamic University of Indonesia (UII). I have been placed at Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus. The University treats us very well, they give us boarding house that very comfortable with kitchen, room with air conditioner, comfort bathroom, and easy place to wash our clothes. We a student mentor that become our buddies to always accompany us to go to the market, fetch us in the morning, and help us to prepare everything that we need. Jerima M Ferrer or Jem it’s my student mentor she is very kind, beautiful and humble. I'm very glad to have her to become my student mentor. She helps me well to understand about Philippines lesson plan and all about teaching in the Philippines. we didn't just close with our student mentor itself, we also close with our student mentor each other like Venus, Sheryl, Annalyn, and Kimberly, they are also very kind to us. When one of our student mentors have a class or can’t accompany us, the other will help us.
    The teacher also very kind with us, we are thankful with Ma’am Jo, Ma’am Maryme, Ma’am Karen, Ma’am Mildred, Ma’am Cyril, Ma’am Baby, Sir Row, and of course my beloved Ma’am Michele for everything that they give to us. They always make us comfort, feeling like have our second mother in the Philippines. Ma’am Jo always coming in our boarding house to check us and sharing about everything, and she also teaches us about the Tagalog language like Kucara, Tenedor, Baso, Mesa, etc. she like our mother. Ma’am Marymae like to bring traditional food of Philippines for us, she also gives us wallet, invite us to walk in the afternoon in VRMU, goes to a coffee shop, and take a lot of photos. Ma’am Karen and Ma’am Mildred always help us and accompany us if we have any problem with our teaching schedule, doing the report and accompany us when we have an excursion. We really love them, we can’t pass our day’s well in San Carlos out of them.
    I have the scheduled to teaching in Senior High School PSU San Carlos which in Agriculture 2A class. Because in the Senior High School there is no Economics Subject, we are following the syllabus and curriculum in the Philippines. I have taught about Social Sciences which is in Culture, Society and Politics subject. Before we have actual teaching, we should make the lesson plan first, we used Philippines semi-detailed lesson plan. I have Ma’am Michele that always supports and motivated me to do the lesson plan and have actual teaching well. To deliver the materials, we also use cartulinas paper, the paper with a lot of colour. To make the student more have motivated to learn the materials. I use that to deliver my materials and also to do several games. I have to make the cartulina become tree shape, cloud, and a big book. The student also manageable, enthusiastic, and creative. When I have given them the task to do group presentation they doing well deliver the materials with their presentation, and their materials.
    Ma’am Michele also becomes a Lecturer at Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus. She also gives me an opportunity to have teaching schedule in college. I have 3 times teaching in TLE 3 B class and deliver about the introduction of economics subject. I used Indonesian lesson plan before I do teaching. I also used cartulina paper to teaching in the college class. They are very kind and respect with me although we are in the same year. They also have good knowledge, that really makes me easy to manage the class. In the last day we meet, I really feel surprised and touched, they give me surprised. When I prepare my things to leave the class, they suddenly dancing together with the music. At the end of dancing, they said with the Indonesian language “ Terimakasih ma’am Nafis, Semoga Selamat sampai tujuan”.after that, they ask me to sit down and the gave me snacks, stationery, candy with the beautiful words stick into them. I'm really happy, touched, and grateful because I have an opportunity to become part of them.
    We also have excursion experience in the Philippines, we go to Alaminos to planting mangrove, Bolinao beach, a hundred Island in the second weekend in the Philippines. we are going to the Baguio in the 3rd weekend. We are very happy because we can refresh our mind on the excursion schedule. We also buy a lot of od souvenirs to bring for our family and friends in Indonesia.
    Pangasinan State University really makes me feel comfort an feeling like home. Thank you very much for everything that our Teacher, Student Mentor, Student, Staff of University, and every one that makes us have a good day in the Philippines. Thank you very much. I also say sorry for a lot of mistakes that we do during the program. Thank you very much, and I hope I will have an opportunity to go to the Philippines again. Thank you and See you..!


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SEA- Teacher program Story (Pre- Departed)

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